Resources for Hiring and Supervising

  1. Adjunct position approved by the Provost’s Office (typically, this conversation begins with the department chair and the vice provost).
  2. Provost's Office creates an online application for the position and provides the link to the department chair. (Contact the provost's executive assistant to have the application created.)
  3. Department chair recruits candidate and recommends selection to the Provost’s Office by submitting the Adjunct Faculty Recommendation Form to provost’s executive assistant;
  4. Candidate completes the online application. Department members can review applications here.
  5. Following the background check and interview with the provost or vice provost, a decision about hiring is made and communicated to the candidate and the department chair and a contract is issued.

This document provides an outline of the search process and some principles guiding decisions about hiring.

All searches for full-time faculty positions—even those to replace departing faculty— must be approved by the provost. Prior to launching a search, the provost takes the advice of the Academic Senate about the value and priority of the positions. To begin the process, submit a Faculty Position Request Form to the provost as early as possible and not later than September 1 of the year the search is to be conducted.

When your position is approved, you will work with the executive assistant in the provost's office to have the announcement posted on our site and an online application created. See this document for information about your job announcement and pp. 2-3 of the search process document for information about the online application.

Instructions for Job Announcements

New adjuncts will appreciate your help and that of your administrative assistant in getting them keys, finding their classrooms, getting set up with Waypoint, etc. Department chairs should plan to observe one or two of their adjuncts' courses during the semester and solicit some student feedback.

Department chairs oversee administrative assistants in their departments and will be asked to submit a performance evaluation of these staff members each year (May 15). Resources for managing and evaluating staff can be found here.

Hiring administrative and other staff (non-faculty) Use of Student Grading Assistants
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